Saturday, August 31, 2013

Keyword Search: EDI 822 Sample File

Regularly, I like to check which keywords brought someone to my blog or to a specific post.  From these keyword searches I can get an idea of which questions people desire answers to.  The #1 keyword search (thus far) has been "822 file".

These are variations of this internet keyword search that I've seen:

  • EDI 822 Account Analysis
  • 822 Statement
  • X12 822
  • 822 File
  • What is An 822
  • Account Analysis Statement
  • 822 Sample File

I guess it's no surprise that of my 12 blog posts (thus far) the one with the most hits has been ANSI X12 EDI 822 with a 265 view count.  Considering that was my 1st blog post almost 9 months ago I think I should probably focus more on this topic since there may be a demand for the knowledge.

The Bad

Unfortunately, there isn't much I can discuss or explain without giving away most of the formatting rules and correct ways to construct an EDI 822 file.  Of course there are many basics on the internet but the heart of the different versions of the 822 file can't be disclosed or else little ole me will be in deep trouble!

The Good

Fortunately, the guide is available for sale from the AFP (not a sales pitch).  Of course, I know most banks have their own 822 implementation guide which they follow and sample 822 file which they distribute to their employees/contractors.  However, this has only allowed people like myself to easily distinguish one bad file from another.

The Myths

  1. How a bank decides to format their EDI 822 file is correct.  It most definitely is not correct and I wish more receivers of these 822 files would demand the correct format instead of accepting the explanations given as final.  Also, anything "bank-specific" is contrary to the definition of "industry standard".  
  2. Knowing how each bank sends its EDI 822 file is important.  Knowing how and what data your bank sends on the EDI 822 file is important.  Also, knowing how it should be sent can be important whether you have an Account Analysis software program or not.  This info is important to know for you, the Treasury dept, who pays the bank fees each period.
  3. The bank's EDI department is staffed with EDI 822 experts.  Due to my experiences, I have lowered my expectations because I've spent more time explaining basics to the very people who ought to know since they are the ones in charge of formatting decisions and its execution.  Always strive to know more than to put your trust in someone else.

It is good that people seek knowledge and answers to something which they do not have a thorough understanding.  So, I will continue to use those keyword searches to write something more informative to assist as best I can without crossing any lines.  Also, any 822 file questions I receive I will attempt to address directly.

Happy Analyzing!

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